General content advisories for Heidi's website and the fiction thereon:
My stories are cozy, or at least cozy-adjacent. The scope will stay small and no one will betray anyone: this is a feature, not a bug.
I believe that content tags on fiction are important, because everyone deserves to give informed consent for what they're about to put into their brains. Everyone's life experience is different; I understand that many "normal" topics can be triggering. Please email me (remove the spaces from h . c . vlach @ gmail .com) if you have questions about my writing before you begin reading, or if you'd like to request another warning category.
Our Long-Steeped Remedies: Prologue
Story is located here. It contains:
- A negative relationship resembling bullying and/or racial violence. It’s briefly implied that the Ara people were, in their prehistory, menaced by least one other sapient species. The details of this relationship are lost to time.
- Peril, fear and evacuation caused by weather. The space-time event that tore apart the Ara’s homeworld was not something they understood: it seemed to them like an incredibly powerful storm.>/li>
- An aerial vehicle crash-landing. No deaths are indicated.
- Meat butchery. A large fictional bird gets prepared as food.
- Food and eating, including description of non-human mouths and tongues.
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