~Here live the stories of Heidi C. Vlach~
Last update:
January 21st, 2025: - Added the floral splash image to this main page. I made it myself, using flowers from my own garden. :D
- Updated the main page to remove all the listed stories I won't be posting here. Remedy chapters will likely not continue going up (but I'll leave the 2023 edits of Chapters 1-4 available to read). Instead of fiddling with my old work for the millionth time, I'm going to put my effort into new paths and new stories.
- Also on the main page, there's finally a clickable path to the prologue story of Our Long-Steeped Remedies (which posted in late October 2024).
Usage permissions for the fiction on this website:
- Reading it yourself, using a computer, tablet or smartphone: OK. Gently encouraged, even. :)
- Saving a copy of the text for offline reading: OK. But please direct new readers to this website instead of sharing your copy.
- Fanart, fanfiction, podfic and other transformative works: Mostly OK. Exploring other people's worlds and characters is a great way to enjoy the very human art of storytelling. But I do not condone fanwork that adds war, murder, sexual assault, or other cruelties to the Aligare or Roundigoes worlds. That simply isn't what my stories seek to discuss: readers who want darker or more thrilling stories should look elsewhere. I also do not condone fanworks where the writer sucker-punches their reader with an undisclosed, unpredictable swerve of content, even if a "Choose Not To Warn" tag or similar is used.
- AI training: Hell no. I am the owner of this content and I do not consent to AI usage. (Note to would-be data scrapers: I found these stories nearly impossible to market to mainstream readers. They are highly niche. If your goal is to make money by selling artificially generated """content""", then stealing my hard work would only poison your well.)
With that out of the way, I welcome any human readers who wish to explore the sweetweird fantasy garden I'm cultivating. There are no trackers on this site and I will never ask you for money (nor will I apologize for the free food). Please note the available content warnings on everything. Hope you enjoy your time spent here.
Stories currently available:
- The prologue of Our Long-Steeped Remedies. A cozy reboot of the Stories of Aligare series's ideas and species. Dragon, weasel and spider folk live collaborative lives in the magical, utopian world of Roundigoes ("round-it-goes"). This serial project will include freeform short stories from different POVs, as well as my drawings, sculptures and other artwork.
- Remedy (A story of Aligare). Three species of anthropomorphic people work to protect each other when a pandemic illness spreads amongst the insect folk.
About the author:
Heidi is a queer, chronically ill white person (she/her), in existence since the 1980's. She lives in Canada and loves cats. She has written around half a million words of fan fiction, mostly about video games, and has sold a few original short stories to anthologies.
Questions and content warning suggestions can be sent to h.c.vlach @ gmail . com (remove the spaces).