A circular arrangement of flowers and leaves. Inside the circle, text says Here live the stories of Heidi C. Vlach.

~Here live the stories of Heidi C. Vlach~

Last update:

January 21st, 2025:

Usage permissions for the fiction on this website:

With that out of the way, I welcome any human readers who wish to explore the sweetweird fantasy garden I'm cultivating. There are no trackers on this site and I will never ask you for money (nor will I apologize for the free food). Please note the available content warnings on everything. Hope you enjoy your time spent here.

Stories currently available:

About the author:

Heidi is a queer, chronically ill white person (she/her), in existence since the 1980's. She lives in Canada and loves cats. She has written around half a million words of fan fiction, mostly about video games, and has sold a few original short stories to anthologies.

Questions and content warning suggestions can be sent to h.c.vlach  @  gmail . com (remove the spaces).